The BGEA Today

After several successful city-wide evangelistic Campaigns in the late 1940s, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association was incorporated in September 1950. Today, more than 60 years later, Billy Graham, Franklin Graham and Will Graham have held outreach events around the world. The association also continues to uphold its original mission, “proclaiming the Gospel of the Lord …


The BGEA Today

After several successful city-wide evangelistic Campaigns in the late 1940s, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association was incorporated in September 1950. Today, more than 60 years later, Billy Graham, Franklin Graham and Will Graham have held outreach events around the world. The association also continues to uphold its original mission, “proclaiming the Gospel of the Lord …


From Billy Graham to the Graduate

God calls us to invest our time, our very lives, primarily in people, not in projects or possessions. We are to behave like Jesus. He’s our example; He lived and died for others. Jesus told his disciples, “Lay up for yourselves, treasures in heaven.”